Monday, November 2, 2015

Liveblog: Chuck - 1x01, "Chuck Versus the Intersect"

Liveblogging Chuck's pilot episode! Enjoy feelings of nostalgia as we relive Chuck's freakouts, Sarah's sexy spy outfits, Casey's glaring, and Morgan being Morgan. This is a rewatch, so minor spoilers abound.

0:41 Feeling like he's not fitting in at his own birthday party --  thanks for describing my whole life, Chuck.
1:07 Ellie's casual disdain of Morgan is the best. Can I just say that I like Sarah Lancaster so much better here as Ellie than on Everwood as Madison? This just confirms that it wasn't Lancaster's acting that was the problem, it was Madison the character. I hate you Madison.
1:29 First sighting of Captain Awesome!
1:47 Chuck describing his finger chafing from Call of Duty is adorable. Chuck is adorable. The end.
3:33 Aw, back in the early days of the show when Awesome could say "awesome" un-ironically.
3:41 Bryce being all spy-like! I remember when I first watched this fight/escape sequence, I was really impressed with the choreography. It still holds up even now. That's some Jackie Chan shit going on over there.

5:03 Dude, that long shot of Bryce jumping of the roofs onto the ground and then doing a close up showing it was the real actor doing those stunts all along? Awesome. 
5:17 Okay, how did Bryce not see Casey? He was standing right in front of him in the open!
5:40 "It was 8 layers." Hee hee.
6:01 Aw, poor heartbroken Chuck. Too bad it only gets more and more annoying from now on. Jill sucks.
6:41 I honestly can't tell if Morgan is being sarcastic or not when he calls Chuck "really cool" for programming Zork in college. If he is, take a look in the mirror, Morgan.
7:42 Hey, Chuck's eyes don't roll back and his eyelids don't do the twitchy thing when he's downloading the intersect! I guess they upgraded the intersect later on to add that particular side effect?
9:35 Beck's "Cellphone Is Dead" is playing in the background. God this show had the best music
10:37 All this scene does is make me really want pie.
11:10 Hey, that's not the General Beckman we know and love! Who is this short, red-headed imposter?
11:25 "This computer did everything. It has all teh secrets. Find all teh secrets, Casey." Nice exposition, guys. Seriously, though, I liked that they kept the exposition short and sweet. 
12:15 "Vicky vale. Vickity vickity vale." Classic.
12:50 Wow, couldn't come up with a better cover story there, Sarah? The battery popped out of your cellphone and you don't know how to put it back in? I know you're supposed to be a ditz here, but come on. 
14:04 D'awww the ballerina scene. Sarah's giving him the googly eyes. 
14:28 So, the ballerina recital was 5 seconds long? That's a little unrealistic, show.
14:35 The Tang! He was the best store manager of them all. Way better than Buster was. Sorry Buster.
15:53 Hah! This whole ninja scene is the best. Also I think this is the only time they dress up Spy Sarah in an outfit that isn't completely sexualized.
17:20 Creepy Jeff is never not funny.
20:48 "I'm not sure I'm able to receive calls, 'cause... I never got one from you." OOOOHHH SMOOTH, SARAH. 
21:48 First use of "Don't freak out!" I should start tallying these. (1)
22:52 Lacing the chucks. Ahw yeah.
24:50 "I can be your very own baggage handler." Classic.
25:10 Bruce. That really is an awful name.
25:20 "What about you? Any secrets? Subtle, Sarah.
26:00 I like this scene. Sarah not knowing any bands is an underhanded way of implying how lonely and cut off her spy life is.
27:08 Sliding down the banister? Dude Chuck's got game.
27:39 Aww Chuck's awkward dancing is adorable. 
29:19 Zachary Levi does "freaking out" so, so well. Good thing, too, because he's got about a million more freak out scenes to go.
32:06 "Sarah I'm freakin' out!" (2)
32:32 There's the pie again.
33:36 "Chuck IS the computer!" Thanks for spelling that out, show. 
33:57 "Bryce is dead!" Lots of good facial acting going on here. 
34:34 The first of, "Stay here!" A variation on "Stay in the car, Chuck!"
34:48 Hehe running through the hotel pool. Great visual gag.
35:22 Um, no time to evacuate? I think one minute thirty seconds is plenty of time to run out of the hotel screaming for your life.
35:46 Journey ringtone? Awesome.
36:12 I like how the writers keep the computer geek speak to a minimum. Less chance to embarrass themselves.
37:03 Chuck's transition from joyful freakout to horrified freakout is a thing of beauty.
37:54 Yeah, Chuck, growing a pair. You tell 'em whats what.
38:38 Awww the beach scene. Once again, their use of The Shins here is perfect. Thanks for telling me what bands to listen to for five years, Chuck.
39:59 "Group hug! Mmm, awesome." 
40:02 "I need you to do one thing for me. Trust me, Chuck." Not for another five seasons, Sarah. Sorry.
42:28 "Don't freak out." (3)

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