Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Time For An Update

Hi readers! I've been long overdue for a new post, but I didn't abandon you out of laziness. On the contrary, I've been super busy this past month!

Exciting news first: I've been published in The Mary Sue! This has been a years-long dream for me. The Mary Sue is a wonderful site that covers diversity and feminism in the media, and the thoughtful articles and commenters have really shaped the way I think about these complex issues. You can read my piece on Asian American casting in Hollywood here: http://www.themarysue.com/asians-are-interchangeable-casting/

I've also had a personal essay published by HelloGiggles, which is a huge step writing career-wise. My essay on revisiting childhood homes also means a lot to me, and hopefully resonates with people out there. You can read it here: http://hellogiggles.com/revisited-childhood-home/

Besides that, I've been busy reviewing The Expanse and Daredevil over at PopMatters, as well as a few shows like The Magicians at TV Fanatic. I also regularly contribute pieces for Tell-Tale TV. So check it out!

And in general, you can click on the "My Writing" tab above to find a current list of all my published articles.

Thanks for following, and expect more content shortly!

Friday, February 5, 2016

10 Things Rory Gilmore Taught Us About Life

All this talk about the new Gilmore Girls revival on Netflix is getting me thinking about the beloved drama yet again. Head over to Tell-Tale TV to read about my thoughts on Rory Gilmore's life lessons, both good and bad.

10 Things Rory Gilmore Taught Us About Life

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The X-Files: Best and Worst of Season Three

It's time to review Season Three of the X-Files, often cited as the strongest season in the series!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The X-Files: Best and Worst of Season One

I am an X-Files newbie. Growing up, I would occasionally catch glimpses of episodes here and there on our microwave-sized television set, but I've never sat and watched an episode from start to finish, and have certainly never been attuned to its cultish fan base. Indeed, many believe that The X-Files was one of the first television shows to spawn an internet following, creating much of the common tv lingo we use today (i.e. "UST," "shipping"). When news of the impending X-Files revival broke, I decided it was finally time to watch the classic sci-fi series from beginning to end.